Isolation work
If your child tests positive for Covid, but are well enough to complete their learning, their class teacher will send it through via email, or we will drop off a work pack at home. If you need to borrow a device to access this, we will provide one.

Lockdown 2:
Please find links to your child's online learning resources. If you click the link for the correct year group, you will find each week's work (the dates on the lessons may not match the current date - don't panic!)
Lockdown 1:
Learning is archived HERE
Thank you
We are very grateful for the support we have received from parents and carers during this difficult time. Your help with home learning has been invaluable and the support and feedback given has been gratefully received. We are still developing new routines which are likely to adapt to changing circumstances, but we know that together we will be able to get back to something close to normal and make up for any lost learning time.
Risk Assessment
We have thoroughly assessed the risks associated with opening the school for all children, follwoing advice and guidance from North Yorkshire CC, the Department for Education and the HSE. It has been shared with staff, Governors and Unions who have agreed with the procedures in place. It is dynamic and will change over time. Parents can view a copy here.