The National Curriculum
This overview is intended to provide a flavour for how we cover all the sklls identified in the 2014 Primary Curriculum. It demonstrates how skills are built on, year-on-year developing children's abilties.
Our curriculum statement sets out our priorities for learning in each area of the curriculum. Whilst the overview identifies the coverage, the Curriculum Statement focusses on WHAT we want to achieve, HOW we do it and WHAT we want the impact to be. Our curriculum planning documents are at the bottom of this page.
The Great Ouseburn Curriculum
- We are adapting our curriculum to focus on engagement and motivation as a means of raising attainment.
- Having worked with Outstanding schools locally and nationally, North Star TSA, through conversations with children and by attending up-to-date training, we now share a clear idea of how we will devise and deliver this.
- Children told us they wanted practical projects with genuine purposes, they could “get stuck into”.
- The highest performing schools have exciting topics based on what children have told them they each want to learn about, with Literacy work based on a related high-quality text.
- From this we have devised our Learning Adventures curriculum.
- We will engage parents and children with high profile ‘launch’ and ‘landing’ events designed to give a motivational start to each project and to share and celebrate what each class has learnt.
- Class teachers are responsible for deciding how they will cover the National Curriculum through these topics and we will agree each one together as a staff.
- Once Learning Adventures have been decided, staff go back to children to find out what questions they want to answer on each topic and these become the focus of learning.
- The culture and ethos shared by the whole staff team on the training day was summarised as this:
We believe that everyone only gets one chance at their primary education and every child has the right to LOVE being at school, look forward to coming every day and achieve their true potential. We achieve this by developing strong, trusting relationships, delivering a broad, exciting, relevant and child-led curriculum and having high expectations of every child, with no excuses.
If you would like to find out more about our curriculum, please contact Mr Oswald.